10 quick tips about bundling



Have you heard of bundling but aren’t quite sure how it applies to your company or application? Are you currently bundling your products but looking for a better solution? Regardless of your experience, check out these ten quick tips:


1. Focus on your product

Each product is different; size, texture, and shape are all factors that require specific attention to be sure each stack is bundled properly. Take some time to focus on all of your products so you can identify the best bundling technologies for your applications.


2. Analyze your costs

What are your current packaging costs? Are there areas where you could be saving? Others where you’re not investing enough? By analyzing your current spend, you’ll be better able to make an informed decision moving forward.

3. Understand your inefficiencies

Let’s face it, your production line might not be as efficient as it could be. Maybe you experience bottlenecks, have too many worker injuries or simply aren’t getting enough throughput. Face these problems head-on and be ready to tackle them.

4. Outline your goals

Do you want a stronger hold on your bundles? Do they need to be shelf-ready? Identifying your goals will make it easier to determine the best technology for your application.

5. Know that less can be more

A bundle doesn’t need yards and yards of material to be strong and an entire line of machines may not be as efficient as one automated system. When it comes to bundling, less is often more. Work to find sustainable solutions that reduce waste, increase efficiencies, and empower your business.

6. Optimize your resources

According to OSHA, repetitive strain injuries cost employers more than $20 billion a year. Use your team wisely by freeing up people for other work and reducing the chance of repetitive task injuries and turnover. Keep people... happy!

7. Explore your options

There isn’t just one form of bundling. In fact, we offer six of them! Take time to understand the options available to you and how each serves a different purpose. You don’t want to be stuck with a machine that won’t properly bundle your products!

8. Consult an expert

The best way to be sure you’re happy with what you invest in is to meet with a professional. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask questions. A more informed decision will be a better one.

9. Welcome change

“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it, right?” Well, not always. Don’t be afraid to try new technologies; you may find a solution that’s more efficient than what you’ve been using for years!

10. Appreciate every step of the process

From selecting a machine to determining the best material for your application, every step in the decision process is important. Don’t ignore one to place more focus on another or you’ll compromise the integrity of your bundles.  


Interested in learning more about our bundling solutions? Send us an email and one of our team members will be in touch with you. 

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