Pack to the Future is a new and exciting interactive exhibit at Pack Expo. The beautifully arranged and curated exhibit includes numerous historic packaging machines dating from the late 1890s to the late 1970s and is surrounded by imagery of the past, present, and future. Vintage photographs and videos surround the machinery producing a one-of-a-kind display that takes you through time. Felins had the honor of contributing to the exhibit with the Felins Original Pak-Tyer machine being one of the PACK to the Future historic machines on display.

The exhibit display in front of the machine reads: “Patented in 1922, the Original Pak-Tyer was invented by Fred E. Lins and Frank Radechovsky as a way to automate the sausage tying process for their business, Quality Sausage Company. The semi-automatic tying machine was such a success, Lins branched off and founded a packaging company aptly named Felins, Inc. in hopes of bringing the Pak-Tyer machine to other businesses who were looking to eliminate employee injury, reduce packaging mass, and increase throughput. Over 100 years later, Felins continues to sell string tying machines and other solutions for a variety of industries.”

For the Felins team, the historic string tying machine was a great opportunity to contribute to the greater representation of the packaging industry’s place in history. The exhibit was very compelling and comprehensive in its exploration of packaging innovation throughout the years. To see the historical timeline of packaging inventions, machines and systems developed in the early 1900’s and read about their development was a very fascinating experience.

(Top left) A paragraph on the timeline reads, “1920. Sausage makers Fred E. Lins and Frank Radechovsky create a semi-automatic string tying machine to automate the tying process for their business. The Original Pak-Tyer was patented in 1922 and became so successful, Lins founded Felins, Inc., which still manufactures tying and bundling machines today. ” (Top right) Felins President and CEO, Andrew Barrieau, reading the timeline display and the paragraph about Felins. (Bottom left) The Original Pak-Tyer tying machine sits on display at the PACK to the Future exhibit with historical photos on the wall behind it. (Bottom right) A Crayon Cartoner developed in 1922.

There were 28 historic machines in total, representing a variety of solutions across many industries. Seen above is a crayon cartoner, which was developed in 1922. In addition to the machines, there were a large collection of images and artifacts from numerous other companies. The showcase was meant to explore how packaging developed as civilizations traded and evolved. Events like the industrial and scientific revolutions are also mentioned as they led to rapid innovations in technologies such as mass production. The exhibit provides a visual timeline that briefly explains many major and minor events in packaging history from over a hundred years ago to today. As the evolution of packaging moves to the present day, the line-up takes a first-hand look at how the packaging industry adjusts in industries like healthcare packaging. Industries focused on sustainability, e-commerce, and automation will be the key players going forward in the future.