People, Planet, Profit of Sustainability


It’s true. Studies show American consumers want to and DO buy from companies that apply sustainable and environmentally sound practices. In fact, 86% of them trust a company that talks about sustainability and 82% of them are more likely to purchase from those companies.

So, if you are wondering if you should look at your eco-packaging initiatives a little more, the answer is “YES.”  There are many resources on why sustainability matters.  Numerous organizations and industrial associations have workshops, workbooks and check-lists about putting a sustainability program into practice.  State governments also have resources, as does the Federal government. 

Here’s a link to an environmental LEADER  article that will get you thinking about how you can use your program to gain more business.

One suggestion:  Communicate it to the world.  Tell your customers about your sustainable results.  If you don’t have a great story to tell in the packaging or pack-out area of your business, read some of the success stories of Felins’ customers to get ideas of how banding, tying, bunching, and bundling can enhance your People, Planet, and Profit sustainability initiatives.

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