Sani-Tyer for trussing chickens


Designed specifically for the food industry, the Sani-Tyer 2000 is the perfect solution to efficiently truss chickens. By replacing hand-trussing and other, more difficult to maintain machines with the Sani-Tyer 2000, productivity can quickly increase while labor costs decrease. Even more, the steel truss machine is wash-down ready and can be quickly cleaned between shifts or at the end of a work day.




  • 100% stainless steel
  • IP66 compliant
  • USDA approved
  • Food-grade elastic material
  • Unique pivot arm tying
  • American-made quality and reliability
  • Ease of set-up, use and maintenance
  • Customizable
  • Complimentary operator and service training available
  • World-class, local service and support

Interested in optimizing your production line? Provide us with a few details in the contact form and one of our packaging consultants will help find the perfect Sani-Tyer solution for you.


The heart of our ability to overcome difficult application challenges is our material offering. Each material is designed to flow flawlessly through our tying machines without jams or breakages.

Among our most commonly used tying materials is food grade elastic. For trussing chickens, our elastic is the perfect solution and available in a variety of high- and low-stretch elastic.

As both an equipment manufacturer and material supplier, we guarantee our machines will last longer and work better when paired with our specially formulated materials. Plus, we work to always have material ready to ship when you need it so your production is never down as you wait for material.

For more information on our materials, including our food grade elastic, please contact us.



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