TP-150 machine for shrink wrapping food products


We know the importance of protecting food products from dirt, dust and debris. But since manual wrapping is so labor intensive and dangerous, it can be difficult to find the best solution. Our TP-150 food-grade shrink wrap system is designed to make wrapping a breeze by lowering operating costs and improving your productivity.

Specifically designed for smaller products and perfect for the food industry, the TP-150 food shrink wrap machine helps facilities replace hand wrapping with a faster, more efficient solution that doesn’t require manual labor. Combined with a fully controllable heat tunnel and adjustable conveyors, the TP-150 can wrap as fast as 2 or 3 hand wrap stations, making improving your throughput easier than ever. Talk about efficiency!

A few highlights include:

  • Minimal maintenance requirements
  • World-class technical service post-sale
  • Compatible with a variety of materials
  • Free training for life


The heart of our ability to overcome difficult application challenges is our material offering. Each option is a bi-axially oriented, high clarity, thin gauge polyolefin shrink film designed for optimal performance in our wrappers and shrink tunnels.

Additional features of our shrink films are:

  • Excellent tensile strength
  • Attractive shrink appearance with exceptional clarity
  • High shrink factor that allows the material to conform to irregular shapes
  • Corrosion-free sealing without fumes or wire build-up
  • Compliant with FDA & USDA regulations for direct food contact
  • Puncture resistant
  • Low shrink force capabilities for delicate/bendable package

As both an equipment and material supplier, we guarantee our machines will last longer and work better when used with our shrink films. Plus, we work to always have film ready to ship when you need it so your production is never halted as you wait for material.



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